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If you are planning to place an order, please Create an Account on our PORTAL. You only need a valid email address to create and verify your account. From your account, you will be able to:
create orders and add order items
Upload and download documents
Receive, sign and upload contract
Send and receive messages from the team using the messaging tools
Post comments/documents on the order record
Receive customer support
Make payments securely via PayPal
Many more.
It’s free to create an account and register orders. However, for the team to start working on your order, you must pay at least the first installment.
Australian Team: Offers EA support services, namely CDR, NER and CPEng
UK Team: Offers engineering design services (globally) and project management (the UK only).
Note: Since our model allows for remote working, some members of the above teams may not necessarily be in the UK or Australia.
info@engineersbase.com for general inquiries
cdr@engineersbase.com for CDR inquiries
ner@engineersbase.com for NER inquiries
cpeng@engineersbase.com for Chattered Engineer (CPEng) inquiries
design@engineersbase.com for Engineering Design inquiries
Please note that you may also contact us via our alternative email engineersbaseconsultants@gmail.com.
This is for CDR, NER and CPEng Clients.
If you are contacting the Australian Team to inquire about our CDR, NER or CPEng services, please visit the CDR Help, NER Help or CPEng Help pages first to check the REQUIREMENTS. If you would like to proceed, create a Client's Account on our PORTAL or fill out the respective Order Request Form (ORF) on our website to register an order and start the process.
All communications with the Australian Team are via the Portal or official email addresses. The team operates 100% online.
Engineering Design clients may call the CCC using the phone number below in case of an urgent issue:
+ 44 113 4900 132: Calling hours: Mon to Fri 8.00am - 4.00pm UK time.
Address: Rawdon Drive, Rawdon, Leeds, United Kingdom