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About Our CDR Service

We Prepare Flawless Competency Demonstration Reports

The career episodes and the summary statement need to show a high-level of engineering skills and knowledge for a guaranteed positive EA outcome . We start the  process by preparing 3 career episodes and conducting rigorous QA reviews to ensure that the CEs are flawless. After this, we prepare the Summary Statement by providing evidence of how each of the 16 competency elements has been met by the applicant.

Preparing flawless documents may be a great challenge to most applicants, since they may have minimal skills and knowledge in the subject. We are a team of engineers with hands-on experience in the CDR preparation and EA assessment  process.

Engineers Base Consultants will assist you to prepare polished career episodes, summary statement, resume and CPD.  Other documents such as credentials and reference letters can be easily be obtained. However, in case you face any difficulties while compiling other CDR documents you can consult us.

A complete CDR package prepared by us consists of three customised career episodes, summary statement, and CPD.  Typically, a career episode consists of four main sections, namely the Introduction, Background, Personal Engineering activity and the Summary. Each of the sections has a word limit based on the recommendations stated in the Migration Skills Assessment Booklet. Our CDR packages are comprehensive and detailed. This is why none of our past CDRs has ever been rejected by EA.


Please note that we are not an Immigration Agent, and therefore, we can only give you advice on what to do. To get full assistance in executing the VISA application process you can seek the services of a credible and registered immigration agent. 

Structure of our CDR Service

Some engineers have ready projects that can be used to prepare 3 career episodes, while others have no projects due to the nature of their job roles. Also, others have only completed their engineering degrees and would want to prepare a CDR that can pass EA’s assessment. Moreover, other engineers have already applied for EA assessment and obtained a negative outcome or additional information request. Such applicants would therefore prefer to hire us to revise their CDRs properly before re-submission. Lastly, we cannot leave out those who have already prepared their CDRs or hired other consultants.

Check available CDR Service Options


To meet all the needs of our clients, we have developed 5 CDR Options. These are CDR Option A,  B, C and D.

Good luck!